Family Stories ContestFrom 04/02/2020 to 04/02/2021
Our wide range of activities stand out for their variety and originality. Both because of the theme they invite us to explore and the formats they suggest, in the contests we try to make the traditional literary text coexist with other formats of a more hybrid nature, in keeping with the times they are in (although there is a long tradition of breaking the norm: in art everything is an exception and the rules are there to be broken). Many of the activities arise from the basis of proposals and technical materials that Fuentetaja Writing Workshops puts at our disposal.
Any fan of writing should also be a supportive reader. We would like to encourage writing, yes, but also to be read and commented in exchange for reading and commenting on the works of others. Something that approaches the dynamics of our competitions to that of a writing workshop. With the exception that, as a free space, it is not possible to have the supervision of a teacher-coordinator. Of course, those who want to have a paid tutor, just have to contact us. As an added bonus, this will also help us maintain the Writing Foundation(s) and this club.
An editor that transcends the writing of texts for paper and adapts to the fact that today we spend most of the time reading and writing on screen-pages: pages of light where you can write not only with words, but also with images, videos, sounds, links, different levels of text, etc. An example: Writings(s).
Writing(s) Club is at the forefront of the development of mechanisms and guidelines for the use of this new language, both in its most creative aspect and in its didactic aspect.
Family Stories ContestFrom 04/02/2020 to 04/02/2021
Work Stories ContestFrom 04/02/2020 to 04/02/2021
Travel Stories ContestFrom 04/02/2020 to 04/02/2024
Technology God ContestFrom 04/02/2020 to 04/02/2024
Periodically, we will publish new competitions with different challenges and themes to work on. There will be room for micropoetry, short stories, haikus… but also for the independent self-publishing of your works.
Publish and exhibit your works. We offer you the tools and space to experiment with new narrative formulas. Create more visual content and works and make the most of the digital edition and from the comments and assessments of the community.
Experiment with new formats and media: photography, video, audio or music, interactive elements… We offer you the tools to generate new narratives in an innovative platform. Now you can even embed maps in your stories!